Mental health & well-being
We only have one mind, so it makes sense to look after it. Learn to make time for healthy habits, feel-good activities, and your overall well-being. Taking care of the mind is taking care of your mental health, and you can read up on all our tips and resources below.
Latest mental health and well-being articles
How to get out of a rut
Imposter syndrome

How do I get started with mental health coaching?

What can a mental health coach help me with?

What is mental health coaching?

Election Anxiety
Helpful tips for riding out a panic attack
The After Series: 4 Things I Wish I’d Known While Grieving
Relieve any stress and relax
Meditation teaches you how to rest, relax, and let go of the stresses and strains that can weigh heavily. Reducing, managing, and moving through stress is one way to take care of your mental health. Relieve some stress now with this meditation.
Mental health articles
Work articles
Food and body image articles
Stress articles
Health articles
Anxiety articles
Brain basics articles
Emotional wellbeing articles
How to get out of a rut
This is what happened when I stopped complaining for 30 days
How being a twin changed the way I think about self-esteem
What’s your play personality?
Habits and goals articles
Parenting articles

Meditation for parents

How to help kids sleep better

Parenting while Black, with intention

Bedtime stories for kids and adults
Relationship articles
How to have a clean breakup in the social media age
How to get out of your head to enjoy sex more

Meditation for relationships
Reeling from a breakup? This might help.
Internet and social media articles
Self-esteem articles
Mental health content - prioritize your mind with resources to feel happier
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